Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Feedback 16.11.10


a) Dont forget to follow the 'Before You Blog'! sheet ...

b) Also dont forget to label each post- by copying the title of your post into the bottom ledt lables box on your post!

c) Be detailed in your analysis and comments on images etc...

d) and remember to make your blog creative! You can add different elements to make your research and planning more creative .. how you present your research and planning is up to you e.g.

- images (scanned drawn images, phtotds you have taken as a record or ones you find on the Internet)

You can also label ,contents pages and feature articles on Word and put them into your blog posts (Using command , shift and 4 keys and it will save as a JPEG image)

- videos ( from youtube - or even ones you film of yourself discussing your R and P)

- Graphs and Charts - e.g. top 20 album chart etc...

- links to websites you found useful while researching

- Audience research - make questionnaires or write questions and film people giving their responses!

Remember that you must continue this for homework to complete it all to a good standard...

Miss McNulty

Here are some links to some interesting blogs...

http://www.alevelmediastudies09-11.blogspot.com/ : Really good magazine blog

http://www.wix.com/dementedpics/demented-pics-2 (look at their Thriller research and then Thriller directors research!)

http://yaleblock1mediaproject.blogspot.com/: Really good opening sequence and blog

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