Thursday, November 11, 2010

Music and Fashion Magazine Genre Research - Front Covers.

Front Covers. 

I have decided i am doing the pop music genre. i have decided this because i believe there are not many, maybe none of these magazines about these days. 
I am doing a hybrid of a music and a fashion magazine. 
As I'm doing a hybrid of these two very different magazines i have researched both genres and i have found many front covers that i like.

I really like this front cover of this magazine because it's plain and simple but it really caught my eye. Looking at this i think i would like to base my magazine around this. The simplicity of it really makes it look the same but different and that is what the audience are now experiencing. 
I this this cover is out to attract the young generation of mainly girls but i think it could attract some of the boy audience too. 

This is the front cover of vogue magazine, this is a top selling fashion magazine and is aimed at the women gender and the age of 15 to late 20's. This magazine is out to give tips of the latest fashion.
I really like this front cover because the colours are not only girly but they are not young colours so they attract the older generation too. 

Now, i'm looking at a music magazine, although i can't figure out which music genre this is i really like the design layout of this front cover.
As you can probably see i am looking at plain covers as i think this is the path i'm going down. i like how the title is covered up but i think the readers would know what magazine it is.

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