Thursday, November 25, 2010

Target Audience - Audience Profiling.

To make my magazine perfect for my target audience i must look at all types of audience profiling. Here, i'm going to discuss what each of them means and work out how they will help in my research.

Demographic Profiling:

Demographic profiling is where the audience is grouped into small groups based on the variables such as age, gender, geographical area, class, economis, religion, sexuality ect.. This method groups people according to the lives they lead or the social or economic status.

There is something called the socio-economic status which are used widly in the market, there is six standard socio-economic groups and they are:

A - These are higher managerial, administrative or professional.
      For example: a surgeon or company director.

B - These are intermediate managerial, administrative or professional.
      For example: teachers and solicitors.

C1 - These are non-skilled manual.
        For example: sales assistants and shop floor supervisors.

C2 - These are skilled manual.
         For example: a electician and plumers.

D - Semi skilled.
      For example: assembley line workers and cleaners.

E - These are unskilled, pensioners and the unemployed.

By looking at them i am going to aim my magazine at the groups D and above. I think that C1 will probably be my target but i think that the groups B and A might be too high up for this genre.

Phychographic Profiling.

Psychographic profiling assumes the audience to be complex and to have certain needs that need to be fu-filled. For example adverts thus aims to appeal to the audiences' emotions and psychological needs to make them feel they need the product that the advert is selling.

Young and Rubicam's cross-cultural consumer characteristics:
This characterises people in terms of their personal aspirations. There are four main categories of this approch and they are:

Mainstreamers: This is 40% of the marker, this is the largest section of the marker and it seeks security in comformity and the people in this section tend to buy well-known brand names. For example: Vouge magazine.

Aspirers: These people are motivated by status. The people in this section buy smart, high tech and high fashion goods.

Succeeders: These people want to keep control of what they have. Car adverts that emphasise power and control are aimed at this group.

Reformers: This group want the world to be a better place. They are educated people such as teachers and doctors who are seen to be more likely to buy eco-friendly and health products.

By looking at this kind of profiling i feel i am going to aim my magazine at the section of Mainstreamers as I will focus on popular fashion and chart popular music.

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